Dream about throwing a party with acquaintances standing on a large carpet with the drawing of Metatron's cube
In the dream world, throwing a party is often a positive sign that indicates a desire to enjoy life and celebrate with others. The acquaintances in the dream could represent people in your waking life that you may not know very well, but they are still important to you. The large carpet with the drawing of Metatron's cube is also a significant symbol.
Metatron's cube is a sacred geometrical symbol with origins in ancient Jewish and Christian texts. It is believed to represent the blueprint of the universe and provide protection against negative energies. Therefore, the presence of this symbol in your dream is a positive indication of divine protection and guidance.
Overall, this dream may suggest that you are in a positive mindset, seeking new connections with others and a desire to celebrate life. You may be seeking spiritual guidance and protection, and the dream is likely a confirmation that you are on the right path.